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    台灣壹電視於日前特派記者,赴印度德蘭薩拉專訪西藏精神領袖達賴喇嘛,這是他首次接受電子媒體的專訪,評論藏人自焚,並對中國的壓迫宗教,提出強烈抨擊。這次專訪為時 75分鐘,壹電視新聞台預定於今天晚間新聞,推出該專訪的重點內容,並且於 16日至 20日晚上 8時 30分,推出「流亡中的自在」專訪達賴喇嘛與西藏問題系列報道。
    自焚事件引來國際社會對中國的批評,西藏自治區主席白瑪赤林,在 3月 23日指責達賴喇嘛和西藏流亡政府,煽動藏人自焚,簡直就是二戰納粹的翻版,達賴也首次回應:「他們說我是納粹,我想沒人會信吧。他們還說我是魔鬼,這太幼稚,太傻了。」
    達賴表示,用謊言來掩蓋真相,是中國鷹派的一貫做法,但那樣的做法已過時,中國 13億人民有權知道真相,不管是好是壞,人民有能力去判斷是非對錯:「真相必須要公開,甚至對於西藏問題也是如此。該讓人民知道真相,才能建立互信,當人民能知道真相,人民會支持你。」
    身處宗教風暴的核心,既是諾貝爾和平獎得主,又是藏人精神領袖,達賴自謙說:「在我心中,我不會想我是達賴喇嘛,我就是一個喇嘛,我一直以此自居。如果你要我介紹我自己,我會說我是人類,是活在地球的 70億人之一。因我說我是喇嘛,會和其他宗教的人劃出界線,但我說我是人類,就沒有那個界線,我們就都一樣了。」

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我一生中走錯了不少路,看錯了不少人, 承受了許多背叛,我落魄得狼狽不堪, 但都無所謂,只要我還活著,就總有希望, 餘生很長,何必慌張。--Donald. J. Trump
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在〈達賴心痛藏人自焚:中共壓迫宗教!〉中有 2 則留言

  1. chiunaindzu表示:

    誰都不希望看到社會混乱的局面,只要中共知錯能改,不再顛倒是非治國,不再與民爭利,真正為人民服務,改變殘暴治國霸權心態,停止迫害善良正義,公佈海外政府官員高額存款的來龍去脈,如此民心歸順,就不需再花費國家大筆財力維穩。什麼網監、網控、 610辦公室、勞教所黑牢,在全世界惡名昭彰,真丟臉啊!中共一直知錯不改顛倒是非治國方向弄錯了,網監、網控、 610辦公室、勞教所黑牢,去用在計生計劃逼迫農婦墮胎謀利的惡人,去用在打壓法輪功活摘器官販賣謀利的群魔,去用在河南(現在已經遍及全國)村民賣血謀利的吸血鬼,去用在豆腐渣工程謀利的罪魁禍首,去用在官商勾結亂拆遷與民爭利的貪官,是吧?
    本人太多廢話,中共高層權貴決策者全是上述弊端最大獲利者,有可能知錯能改,不再顛倒是非治國,不再與民爭利,真正為人民服務,可能嗎? 只要能把貪腐官員財產的來龍去脈查清楚,社會才能有正義,受苦難的人才會減少。如果國際上有個強有力的廉政公署負責調查各國有問題的貪腐官員,那麼卡扎菲就不會因殘暴貪腐而身亡,還犧牲那麼多人民。我想請海峽兩岸的正義律師聯合呼籲國際上趕快成立一個強有力的廉政公署,負責調查各國有問題的貪腐官員,就從中國和北韓查起,這樣可是唯一能避免發生許多無辜人民將來要和那些殘暴貪腐官員陪葬的大悲劇。
    Why not revive the stupid and evil violent repression of the Chinese Communists? Please see the CCP has admitted the mistake from sixty-four not change since the rule of right and wrong, which is to explore how to form a symbiosis a huge interest, the regulation is a serious day by day how to prevent collusion and big corruption, but the Chinese are stupid evil persecution of social ills that just kind of warriors, such as
    Mr. Ai Weiwei compassion statistics Sichuan’s death was the high number of students taxed
    Mr. Chen Guangcheng exposed the inside story of birth control program was held
    Mr. Gao Zhisheng petition to stop persecution of Falun Gong is missing

    Miss Gao Yaojie care for AIDS village in Henan was hard to leave their homes http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/67230592-2335788154.html
    People across the country look in the eyes of interviewees, and no one know very well: the Chinese Communists that serve the people, in fact, is all for the rich and powerful interests. Demolition put more people into enemies, the brutal rule of hegemonic attitude, lost much popular support to Xinjiang, Tibet, Taiwan compatriots difficult to agree, the CCP is now beleaguered, the enemy can be more.
    Who does not want to see social chaos, as long as the CCP rectifies, no right and wrong country, no longer compete with the people, really serve the people, to change the brutal rule of hegemonic attitude, kindness and justice to stop the persecution, Overseas Government announced high officials of the circumstances surrounding the deposit, so the people obeyed the country large sums of money to spend without holding stability. What network monitoring, network control, 610 offices, labor camp dungeon, notorious in the world, shame ah! CCP has admitted the mistake does not change the rule of right and wrong wrong direction, network monitoring, network control, 610 offices, labor camp dungeon, go with a plan to force the peasant woman in birth abortion profit of the wicked, to use in the persecution of Falun Gong organ harvesting selling profit Demons, to be used in Henan Province (now all over the country) the villagers sold their blood vampire profit to profit with the culprit in the shabby, to be used in demolition and chaos collusion of corrupt public for profit , is not it?
    I have too much nonsense, Chinese policy makers are all high-level dignitaries biggest gainers of these drawbacks, there may be rectifies, no right and wrong country, no longer compete with the people, truly serve the people, possible? As long as corrupt officials can check out the ins and outs of property, the community in order to have justice, by the sufferingof the people would be reduced. If the international community has a strong national Independent Commission Against Corruption to investigate official corruption problem, then it will not Gaddafi corruption and brutal death, but also the expense ofso many people. I would like to cross-strait joint call for international justice, lawyers quickly established a strongIndependent Commission Against Corruption to investigate the problem of corrupt officials of States, China and North Koreafrom the search, the only way to avoid this, but many innocentpeople in the future brutal and corrupt officials to be buried withthose of great tragedy.
    CCP vested interests can never be self-reform, so the above is the most peaceful way to it!
    Please call it loud!


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